Work from home: No, cubicles? No Problem.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many are learning to work from home. It's a challenging time where some work more hours and increase productivity while others get distracted and struggle with basic tasks. These five tips should help get you going.
Act as if you're in the office:
Your home is the new remote office. Treat it as if you were in the office. Manage your schedule, make sure to take breaks, and try to keep your personal life separate.
Avoid junk food:
While working from home it's easy to snack all the time. Avoid weight gain by cooking healthy meals in your home kitchen. Make sure to portion your meals and avoid junk food.
Communicate more:
It's easy to feel distant from your team when working from home. Make sure to take the time to schedule one-on-one calls and turn on video for a more personal touch. Schedule extra time to talk with your co-workers and give them personal attention.
Own your chaos:
When kids are running around your home it's hard to focus. Working around their schedule will keep you more productive. Use your various devices (cell phone, tablet, PC) and work amid the chaos or find quiet areas when needed.
Keep moving:
Managing energy at home is key to increasing productivity. Try riding your bike, yoga in the garden, or simply take a walk outside when the weather is nice.