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Benefits of VoIP for business

landline phone
Written by
Shea Georgetti
Published on
May 24, 2024
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Imagine a bustling business with offices scattered across different locations, each equipped with its own set of traditional phone lines. The costs stack up—monthly bills, maintenance fees, and the sheer inconvenience of managing multiple services. Now picture the frustration when modern communication demands—like video calls, instant messaging, and seamless call transfers—are out of reach with their current setup.

This is where Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) steps in as a game-changer for businesses. VoIP allows companies to make and receive calls via the internet, transforming the traditional phone system into a versatile, unified communications hub. It not only cuts down on the clutter of multiple landlines but also slashes costs significantly.

In this article, you’ll learn about the transformative benefits of VoIP for businesses, including advantages, disadvantages, and how to set up VoIP or digital landlines for your business. 

Key Advantages of VoIP:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness of VoIP
  2. Enhanced Accessibility & Flexibility
  3. Scalability and Ease of Integration
  4. Advanced Features and Functionalities
  5. Superior Call Quality and Reliability
  6. Enhanced Security Measures
  7. Business Continuity
  8. Future-Proofing Your Business

Cost-Effectiveness of VoIP

With digital landlines like VoIP systems, businesses see a dramatic decrease in monthly phone bills. Traditional phone lines typically involve various charges such as long-distance fees, maintenance, and add-ons, whereas VoIP systems use the existing internet connection, and offer a lower, all-inclusive monthly fee (depending on the provider), substantially lowering these expenses.

Businesses also save time and money through the efficiency and flexibility that VoIP offers. For example, integrating voice communication with email and cloud services streamlines operations and reduces the need for separate systems. This integration not only saves money but also workflows and employee productivity. 

Felix Yanko, founding partner at Voiply, states that numerous businesses have witnessed transformative benefits from VoIP adoption, such as a local retail chain that cut communication costs by 50% while doubling their customer engagement through integrated VoIP services.

To provide a clearer picture, consider the following comparison table showcasing the differences in costs between VoIP and traditional telephone systems:

VoIP System

Initial Setup: Low (often minimal)

Monthly Line Rental: None or low

Monthly Payment: Low

Call Charges: Lower (especially for long-distance and international calls)

Maintenance: None or low (mostly software updates)

Scalability: Easy and cost-effective (add users or features without significant cost)*

*Some businesses require hardware which can add to the cost.

Traditional Landline:

Initial Setup: High (equipment, lines)

Monthly Line Rental: High

Monthly Payment: High

Call Charges: Higher

Maintenance: Higher (physical repairs and line maintenance)

Scalability: Difficult (requires physical lines and hardware)

Enhanced Accessibility & Flexibility

VoIP technology excels in providing enhanced accessibility and flexibility, highly valued features in today's increasingly remote and mobile workforce. 

Unlike traditional phone systems that tie users to a specific physical location, VoIP allows employees to access their business phone system from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be from a desktop in the office, a laptop at a café, or a smartphone abroad. Employees can even continue to use their business numbers regardless of their physical location. 

Additionally, VoIP systems can easily integrate with other digital communication tools like video conferencing and cloud-based project management software, further enhancing collaboration among remote teams.

This ability to connect from anywhere, on any device, not only supports a better work-life balance but also opens up opportunities for businesses to hire talent from a broader geographic range. The flexibility to scale up or down based on business needs without significant infrastructure changes makes VoIP a smart choice for businesses looking to stay agile in a dynamic market environment.

Scalability and Ease of Integration

As companies expand, VoIP systems can scale seamlessly to accommodate more users, additional locations, and increased call volume without additional infrastructure. This scalability ensures that businesses can grow without facing the common telecommunications bottlenecks associated with traditional phone systems.

Here’s how VoIP systems are scalable:

  • No physical infrastructure limitations: VoIP uses the internet, so expanding the system can often be as simple as adding new users to the software platform and ensuring sufficient bandwidth.
  • Cloud-based efficiency: Cloud providers can rapidly allocate additional resources to handle increased call volume or new features as a company grows. 
  • Software-based management and deployment: VoIP systems are managed via software, not hardware, simplifying adding new features or integrating new technology. Updates and new functionalities can be deployed network-wide through software updates without physically altering a system.
  • Modular add-ons and integrations: With a VoIP platform, a company can start with a basic setup and expand its capabilities as its operational needs evolve.

VoIP systems integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) software, email platforms, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, among others. 

“VoIP integrations streamline communication workflows and reduce manual data entry, significantly boosting productivity by allowing teams to focus on their core tasks,” Yanko explains. 

“Features like click-to-call, caller information pop-ups, and automatic call logging, all work to enhance productivity team-wide.”

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Advanced Features and Functionalities

VoIP technology offers a suite of advanced features that traditional phone systems often lack. These advanced features are often either unavailable or more costly in traditional phone systems. Advanced features include but aren’t limited to:

  • Auto-attendant
  • Call forwarding
  • Integration with CRMs
  • Voice-to-email transcription
  • Conference calling
  • Call analytics
  • Spam call blocking
  • Simultaneous ring

Among the most underrated VoIP features are advanced call analytics and voice AI integrations, according to Yanko. “These can offer deep insights into customer behavior and automate routine interactions, respectively.”

Superior Call Quality and Reliability

As broadband internet speeds have increased and become more widely available, the bandwidth required to transmit high-quality voice data is more readily accessible. This allows for clearer, crisper voice quality over VoIP systems without lag or distortion.

VoIP technology also uses sophisticated compression algorithms that efficiently use bandwidth to deliver high-quality audio. These algorithms help in reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the internet, thus minimizing loss and improving sound quality.

Modern VoIP systems have enhanced network infrastructure to prioritize voice traffic over other types of data. This prioritization ensures that call quality does not suffer, even during periods of high data usage within the network.

Ensuring your internet connection supports VoIP

Despite these advancements, the quality and reliability of VoIP still depend heavily on a stable and robust internet connection. Here are some tips to ensure that your internet connection supports high-quality VoIP service:

  • Ensure that your internet connection provides sufficient upload and download speeds to handle your VoIP call volume alongside other internet usage. VoIP calls typically require about 100 kbps per line for optimal quality.
  • Regularly assess your network for any issues that could affect VoIP performance, such as bandwidth bottlenecks or outdated hardware. 
  • Configure your router with Quality of Service (QoS) settings.
  • Choose a reliable internet service provider with strong customer service and a track record of minimal downtime.
  • Consider setting up a secondary internet connection for redundancy. This can be invaluable in preventing service disruptions due to service provider issues or local outages.

Enhanced Security Measures

VoIP systems incorporate several security features to safeguard against common threats and vulnerabilities. 

VoIP services commonly use strong encryption protocols, such as TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol), to encrypt the data transmission between endpoints. This makes it extremely difficult for unauthorized parties to eavesdrop on conversations or steal data.

VoIP systems also typically require user authentication for accessing the network and making calls, which helps ensure that only authorized users can use the service.

Dedicated VoIP firewalls and Session Border Controllers (SBCs) are used to protect the network against external attacks. These tools manage and monitor voice traffic as it crosses the network border, helping to prevent intrusion and denial-of-service attacks.

Best Practices for Enhancing VoIP Security

Best practices to enhance VoIP security include:

  • Do regular updates to address security vulnerabilities
  • Configure VoIP systems to disable unnecessary services and secure access points
  • Segment networks to prevent an attacker from easily accessing other critical business systems
  • Educate employees about security threats like phishing attacks and the importance of using strong, unique passwords.

Addressing Common Security Concerns

One of the primary concerns with VoIP is the potential for VoIP phishing scams, often called vishing, where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to steal sensitive information. Another concern is the risk of call interception. VoIP's security features, such as encryption and SBCs, effectively mitigate these risks by encrypting data and managing authentication and access controls. Companies like Voiply take security measures seriously to ensure business calls are private, encrypted, and secure.

“At Voiply, we prioritize security and reliability through end-to-end encryption, regular system updates, and redundancy protocols, ensuring uninterrupted and secure communication for all its users,” Yanko says.

VoIP's Role in Business Continuity

In the event of unexpected disruptions, business operations must continue with minimal downtime. VoIP technology facilitates this by allowing communication systems to remain operational independent of physical locations. Since VoIP systems are typically cloud-based, they enable employees to maintain contact with contacts from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is crucial during emergencies when access to traditional office spaces may be compromised.

Also, VoIP systems are inherently designed for resilience and redundancy. Features like automatic call rerouting mean communications don’t suddenly stop if there’s a power outage or damaged infrastructure. 

Voiply enhances business continuity by offering robust, scalable solutions tailored to the needs of businesses of all sizes. For example, Voiply’s mobile app supports remote work and ensures connectivity across various devices and locations, while small business solutions support 100+ digital users, with hardware options available.

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Future-Proofing Your Business with VoIP

VoIP technology is a forward-looking solution that aligns with the future of work and emerging business needs. As businesses increasingly adopt digital transformation strategies, VoIP stands out as a key component in evolving communication technologies. 

The integration of AI with VoIP, for example, is set to transform customer service through advanced interactive voice response systems and chatbots that can handle complex interactions. This technology also supports real-time language translation, making it easier for global businesses to communicate without barriers. Additionally, the growing trend of the Internet of Things (IoT) can integrate VoIP in new ways, such as enabling voice commands for various devices and systems across a business’s operations.

Encouraging businesses to adopt VoIP is not just about keeping pace with technology—it’s about staying ahead. Companies that embrace VoIP now will benefit from its scalable nature, enabling them to easily add new functionalities as they become available. This adaptability helps businesses stay competitive in a fast-evolving market. 

As well, as remote work continues to be normalized and even preferred in many industries, VoIP’s ability to support a distributed workforce becomes increasingly valuable. It provides a consistent and reliable way for teams to collaborate, regardless of their location. This capability attracts and retains top talent who seek flexibility in their working environment.

Disadvantages of using VoIP for Business

While VoIP offers numerous advantages for business communications, there are some disadvantages that businesses need to consider when transitioning from traditional phone systems.

Dependence on Internet Connectivity

One of the main drawbacks of VoIP services is their reliance on a stable and fast internet connection. VoIP technology functions over the internet, so any disruption in internet service directly impacts service availability. Bandwidth limitations can also cause poor audio quality, dropped calls, and delays. This dependence means that businesses need to invest in robust internet services and possibly backup internet connections to maintain consistent communication, especially in areas where internet services might not be reliably fast or stable.

Power Outages and System Reliability

Unlike traditional phone systems that can operate during power outages using the power provided through telephone lines, VoIP systems require power for both the internet infrastructure and the phone hardware to function. During a power outage, unless there is a backup power source such as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or generator, the VoIP service will be unavailable to access. This can pose a risk to businesses in regions prone to power outages.

However, you can set up call forwarding to a cell phone or another live number, so that in the event of a power outage your calls will still go through. 

Is VoIP Better for Businesses?

Yes, VoIP is generally better for businesses due to its cost-effectiveness, scalability, and advanced features. VoIP offers significant savings on setup and ongoing communication costs compared to traditional phone systems. It easily scales with business growth, accommodating new users and locations without major infrastructure investments. Additionally, VoIP integrates seamlessly with other business tools and provides enhanced functionalities like video conferencing, mobile apps, and CRM integration that are essential for modern business operations. 

How Does VoIP Work for Business?

VoIP for business allows calls to be made from anywhere with an internet connection, using a computer, a VoIP phone, or a smartphone app. It also allows for a range of features like call forwarding, voicemail to email, and video calls. 

What Is the Biggest Benefit of VoIP?

The biggest benefit of VoIP is its cost-effectiveness, allowing businesses to significantly reduce communication expenses. VoIP eliminates the need for traditional phone lines, reducing both initial setup and ongoing costs, such as long-distance charges and maintenance fees. 

Integrating VoIP Into Your Business Communications with Voiply

Throughout this article, we have explored the extensive benefits that VoIP offers to modern businesses. VoIP’s cost-effectiveness, flexibility, scalability, and ease of integration make it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to grow and adapt to market demands without the constraints of traditional telecommunication systems.

Adopting VoIP is a strategic decision that equips businesses to be resilient, adaptive, and competitive. 

VoIPly stands out as a premier VoIP provider, with a mobile app for Solopreneurs, small business solutions for app-only teams, and hardware-compatible digital landlines, for those who prefer or require physical handsets.

Explore how VoIPly can transform your business communication systems. Discover a range of business solutions tailored to your needs.

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Shea Georgetti
Shea Georgetti is a co-founder and CEO at Voiply, where he leads a team dedicated to transforming communication in businesses. Inspired by books like Atomic Habits, The One Thing, and Goodbye Things, Shea values patience and positivity.
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